Friday, March 04, 2011

Ode To April (or, "FunMom's Mornings Get Easier")

Here you see a Jelly Belly jar filled with my Oat Bran Muffin mix. My friend April has a neat little row of different mixes lined up on her pantry shelf. They looked so tidy and helpful that I just had to try it myself.

There are two fairly recent breakfast staples that I have been making lately. One is Cinnamon Breakfast Biscuits, and the other is Oat Bran Blueberry Muffins. Both recipes I have modified from the famous red & white checkered Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook (come on, you know you got one for your wedding, just dig in behind those cookbooks, you'll find it). Anyway, wouldn't my morning be easier if the dry ingredients were already put together? Why yes, it would.

So I figured it out and made the mixes and now I look forward to several easier mornings which will turn into FunMornings because of all the extra time.

I also recently decided that I'd make a double recipe of waffles one weekend morning, then freeze the leftovers. That will make for one weekday morning of toaster waffles!!! Yay for simplicity!

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