Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Choice

Okay, so it's probably not THE choice, but one of many along the road that is our family. As the day approaches when Charles should be enrolled in kindergarten, the decision becomes final: he won't be enrolled in kinder. Not my biggest little man. Not this year.

That's right, we'll be homeschooling. A decision we have reached and hope to stick with. I'm not saying my children will never go to school. I'm not saying this world's a complete disaster and my child isn't going to take part. We're choosing this for now, and we'll take it a year at a time. There are, of course, so many reasons that we will be homeschooling. Among them, and probably most prevalent, is our desire to stay mobile. For our family, that's a big one. Neither Charlie nor I see committing to one area right now. We're kind of wanderers at heart. And we want to continue to be the primary influences on our kids for a while, including spending the most time with them. That's all.

So, I've been doing lots of reading, and in a couple of weeks I'm going to my first homeschool conference. Yay! I'm pretty excited to get this show on the road!


Chris said...

As you say - there are many reasons to make this choice - I'm always glad to hear people choose this for positive reasons rather than negative ones (fear of what's "out there").

On another note - it's interesting to hear you talk about your wanderlust at this point in life. To the extent that I ever had that desire, I think I'm mostly over it now. I like my twenty year plan with roots and community. But . . . sometimes winter and a desire for my kids to experience what's "out there" pushes me to explore making changes.

Lacey said...

Congrats on "the choice"! I loved how you shared your logic behind your decisions. It is still a "choice" we have not made yet, and I love hearing the reasons people decide how to educate their children. I am sure you will do a great job with your homeschooling!

christy said...

my sister in law has been homeschooling her kids for several years and loves it. i think that the flexibility you talked about is a great benefit. there's tons of info and resources out there these days...good luck!

susan (germany) said...

Good for you! I think there are a lot of fantastic pluses to homeschooling, and I really respect you homeschooling mamas!

I would probably go that route, but it's illegal over here. Have fun with it!

Your trip to Catalina looked like you had amazing weather - wow.

Anonymous said...

YAY for homeschooling! I think you will LOVE it and do an excellent job at it! :) Is it CHEA that you are going to? Are you going with Sara?


Christy said...

No, there's a local conference here which is inexpensive, and I don't have to pay for a hotel! Yes, Sara is going with me (yay for friends!)

A. said...

Congratulations, it's a big decision!
Consistency is a main reason for us too, since the Air Force moves us every few years.
I hope you'll post about the conference! I still have never been to one.

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