Saturday, February 06, 2010

Drums and Balls

I'm a genius. I think I just solved every parenting problem to do with little boys. It's a simple classification system that can be taught in mere minutes.

1. If it's not a drum, don't bang on it.
2. If it's not a ball, don't throw it.

Once the child can classify his world into these two sections - drum or ball - he can effectively repel most consequences.

Child A would like to bang on his plate/wall/baby brother, but is this acceptable? He merely pulls out his classification chart: is this item a drum? No. Therefore, banging it will result in unfavorable consequences. Dilemma resolved.

Child B has picked up a small car/large rock/glass vase to throw at his brother, but is this acceptable? Out comes the classification chart again and child remembers that these items are NOT balls. Problem solved.

Okay, it's a long shot...but I tried.


Chris said...

Wow. Your children must process the world much more rationally than mine do. If only . . .

Stephanie said...

Ha! That's awesome. I need to utilize this :)

Christy said...

yeah, it doesn't really work for mine either, but wouldn't it be nice? and simple?

Lacey said...

Hahaha I love you, so funny.

Can we add, "If it's not a potty, don't pee in it". (We had a pee in the block basket issue this week)

Christy said...

yes, Lacey, I think that's an excellent addition!

A. said...

Haha! If only there were such a rule for volume control....

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