Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Summer, A Poem

As a follow-up to the Seasons post, today I remembered a little poem I wrote in 6th grade, and I managed to dig it out of the closet. It's an Elizabethan Sonnet, which, loosely, means that there have to be a specific number of syllables per line and certain lines must rhyme with certain other ones.

Of all the seasons I recall,
Winter, fall, summer, and spring,
I love the summer best of all.
When nature calls and robins sing,
It's the time for school to end.
Time to swim and time to run,
A time to play with your best friend,
A time to frolic in the sun.
Before you know it, summer's ending
It's giving up,
And surrendering.
It's leaving the golden cup,
Giving it to fall,
No matter what, I still love summer best of all.

There you have it. My feelings haven't changed. Though I do considerably less frolicking in the sun than I did then. I'm not sure what the "golden cup" had to do with anything - except that cup rhymes with up, and those two lines had to rhyme.

Incidentally, this poem won 2nd place at the Oakview Elementary writer's fair. A brilliant piece of work, if you ask me. Not sure exactly what I was up against...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's pretty good! :)

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